
Someday Projects

It's an odd feeling to be on summer vacation. I haven't really had one since, I don't know, high school? And instead of spending all summer at the lake subsisting on Hot Tamales and mischief (which sounds as much fun as it was), I've decided tackle a few "someday" projects. I've always wanted to learn how to sew. Like, really sew. I've haphazardly made things up, or altered thrift store finds to better suit me. (And I'm trying my hand at my first quilt. Updates to follow.) But I know very little about tried & true garment construction. So, with my trusty on-call teacher (Mom) and my new best friend (Singer), I'm determined to literally make something of my summer. Up first is this super cute Hazel dress by Colette in a black & white seersucker fabric.

Another of my projects is to really devote myself more to this blog, and turn it into something that I will be really proud of. I'm excited to share feature some of the artisans I'll meet at the Santa Fe Folk Art Market. Hopefully, a sense of cohesion will emerge from both this odd miss-mash blog & the more pressing chaos that seems to be my life these days.